Fly Bye  Bar & Grill Fly Bye / Taco Bell Softball 2001
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Team Guidelines

Guidelines:  The following is a list of guidelines that we will be using this year on the team.  The reason for this is so everyone knows what is going on with the team.  The main thing that everyone needs to understand is that we will play the best team possible.  A word about our sponsors, without them we all have to pay more money to play.  When at all possible please support them.

Practices:  Practices will be approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours long.  Please notify one of the coaches if you can’t make it and  you will need to find out when the next practice is.  Practices will be used to determine the starting lineup. 

Games:  Players will be required to show up for games ½ hour before the start of a game.  The sooner that you are there, the greater the chances are that you will get to play.  If you are unable to make it to a game please notify one of the coaches as soon as you know that you can’t make it. 

Fees:  The standard players fee of  $50.00 is due by March 31st and checks can be made payable to F.S.P.S.  Please get this money to Pat by April 12th. 

Uniforms:  For those of you who don’t have a uniform from last year it will cost about $20.00 for one.  They were purchased through T’s 2 Please. 

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Last modified: May 04, 2001

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