Abbreviation |
Definition |
% |
Winning percentage |
1st |
Singles |
2nd |
Doubles |
3rd |
Triples |
AB |
At Bats = Plate Appearances (PA) - Base on
Balls (BB) |
BA |
Batting Average = Hits divided by At Bats (AB) |
BB |
Base on Balls - Walks. |
Number of Base
on Balls against when pitching. |
E |
Fielding Errors |
E-Runs |
Earned Runs - The number of runs scored
against a pitcher. Does not include runs scored by error. |
Earned Run Average per Inning Pitched
= Earned Runs (E-Runs) divided by Innings Pitched (IP). |
Fly Bye / Taco
Bell |
GP |
Games Played |
Game ID |
Game Identification |
Games Behind |
Number of games that a team is behind the team that is in
the lead |
Hits |
Number of hits when batting. |
Number of hits
against when pitching. |
HR |
Home Runs - Includes inside the park. |
IP |
Innings Played - Batting. |
Pitched - Pitching |
Percentage of the available innings played = Innings Played
(IP) divided by Total Innings Played (TIP) |
OB |
On Base percentage = Hits + Base on Balls (BB)
divided by Plate Appearances (PA). |
Opp |
Opponent |
Opp Record |
Opponents Record |
PA |
Plate Appearances - The number of times that a player
has went to bat. |
Runs Batting In - Number of runs that a
batter has batted in. Does not include RBI's gained from errors |
Runs |
Runs that the players has scored -
Batting. |
Number of total Runs scored against a pitcher -
Pitching. |
Sac |
Sacrifices - A fly ball that was caught but a run was
scored. An RBI is credited to the batter. |
Saves |
Pitching Saves |
SO |
Strike Outs - Batting |
Number of Strike Outs against the opponent -
Pitching |
Total Innings Played - The total number
of innings that a player was available to play. |
W/L |
Win / Lose record |